Marks records as deleted. It's similar to Delete Record from DBF file command from Edit menu. You can restore those records by using the Recall Record command.
Records marked as deleted physically removes from the DBF file when the PACK command is executed. See it's description below.

DELETE FROM Table_List [[, Table_List ...] | [JOIN [ Table_List]]]
[WHERE FilterCondition1 [AND | OR FilterCondition2 ...]]



Specifies the name of the DBF file for deleting records. If Table_List contains file name only (without path), this DBF file is being looked at the same directory, from where the last DBF file was opened.
If the table hasn't been opened, DBF Commander opens the file automatically. It remains open after the query is complete.
JOIN clause allows you to specify one or more secondary tables. For more information, please see SELECT SQL statement topic.

In order to fast insert full file name into SQL query text, use the Insert Current Filename command
WHERE FilterCondition1 [AND | OR FilterCondition2...]

Specifies one or more filter conditions that records must meet to be deleted. Number of filter conditions is not limited.

PACK Command

Removes all records marked for deletion permanently.

PACK dbf_filename



Specifies the name of the DBF file to pack.

Please ensure you want to delete only records that you no longer need. There is no way to restore deleted records after using PACK!


DELETE Example

DELETE FROM "D:\Data\orders.dbf" WHERE NOT EMPTY(cust_id)

PACK Example

PACK "D:\Data\orders.dbf"